Getting Into Canada $BlogItemTitle$>
Arriving by plane & car are different procedures to arrive at the same questions:
a) Issues of Immigration: Is this person admitable into Canada or are they an undesirable or attempting to emigrate illegally?
b) Issues of Customs: Is this person carrying anything that is prohibited in Canada or are they bringing in goods for resale that should be taxed on admission?
By car one simply arrives at the border station, waits your turn in line (like a tollbooth), & reports who you are, where you are going, how long you'll be there, & answers about five questions about possible contraband. Remember that fruits & vegetables cannot be carried across the border. They'll take them from you. They'll ask everyone in the car the same questions. If they ask you to pull over to the building and report to a immigration officer or customs officer then you are being given given extra scrutiny.
Plane arrivals: At some point in your flight the staff will hand out cards for you to fill out. They look like this (click to download a detailed copy):

I'm attaching a letter from me that you all can print out and show to the officer, if you'd like: